Periodic Table v1.0
Price: $2.95 USD
Cool periodic table for the Storm. Shows the entire period table, basic and detail info. Swipe left or right to view additional elements. Color coded table to easily identify groups and classifications.
Summary view of all elements.
Additionally you can add a note to any element for future referencing. You can also export and import notes to the sd card when you upgrade to a new OS.
* BlackBerry® Bold, Curve 8900, Storm and Tour
* 70K of Main Memory
* Shows the entire periodic table on the screen with scrolling
* Color coded
* Summary and detail element info
* Add custom note to element for future reference
* Export and Import notes when you upgrade to a new OS
* Very easy to use
* Storm 9500/9530
* Bold 9000
* Curve 8900
* Tour
NOTE: If you want the serial code let me know and i give to you