Often times software applications require your TCP connectivity to be set when using their program. Here are some settings for a few US carriers. To access the TCP settings, you must have OS3.8 or higher installed. From the home screen of your BB, go to Options - TCP.
Access our new, most complete Carrier settings list here
Old AT&T
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: proxy
Bell Mobility
Gateway IP:
Port: 9203
Cellular One (Option 1)
APN: cellular1wap
Cellular One (Option 2)
APN: blackberry.net
Cellular One (Option 3)
Gateway =
port = 9201
APN: blackberry.net
Cincinnati Bell
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.gocbw.com
username: cbw
Cingular (modem compatible)
Gateway IP: ?
Port: ?
APN: isp.cingular
Password: CINGULAR1
Cingular (March 05)
APN: wap.cingular
Username for APN:
Password for APN: cingular1
WAP Gateway IP:
WAP Gateway Port: 9203
Cingular 2
Gateway IP:
Port: 9203
APN: blackberry.net
O2 (Germany)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.viaginterkorn.de
O2 (Holland)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: internet
O2 (Ireland)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.dol.ie
username: gprs
password: gprs
O2 (UK)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.o2.co.uk
username: o2wap
password: password
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: blackberry.net
T-Mobile (UK) 1
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: general.t-mobile.uk
T-Mobile (UK) 2
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: blackberry.net
T-Mobile (Germany)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.t-dl.de
T-Mobile (US) 1
Gateway IP: ?
Port: ?
APN: internet2.voicestream.com
T-Mobile (US) 2
APN: wap.voicestream.com
Username for APN: (blank)
Password for APN: (blank)
WAP Gateway IP:
WAP Gateway Port: 9201
Telefonica Movil
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN wap.movistar.es
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: telstra.internet
TIM (Italy)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.tim.it
Verizon 1
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
Verizon 2
Gateway IP:
Port 9203
Verizon 3
APN: No configuration needed
Username for APN: No configuration needed
Password for APN: No configuration needed
WAP Gateway IP:
WAP Gateway Port: 9203
Vodafone (NL)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: blackberry.vodafone.nl
username: vodafone
Password: vodafone
Vodafone (Spain)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: airtelwap.es
username: wap@wap
password: wap125
Vodafone (UK)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
APN: wap.vodafone.uk
password: user
Special note Verizon and AllTel subscribers
Due to the unavailability of public accessible BlackBerry gateways by Verizon and Alltel you will need to seek a 3rd party BlackBerry provision provider. We have successfully tested MobileWeb4U.com service. For more information on how to apply for this service and pricing please visit http://www.MobileWeb4U.com
List of International Carriers' APNs (Access points) <hr style="color: rgb(192, 192, 192);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> The access point (APN) will vary depending on your country and carrier; here's a list of International Internet access points:
*The format is a little off due to restrictions in uploading preformating.
Country Carrier APN
Argentina Personal gprs.personal.com
Argentina Unifon internet.gprs.unifon.com.ar
Australia Telstra telstra.internet
Australia Optus internet
Australia Three 3netaccess
Australia Vodafone internet
Austria Max Online gprsinternet
Austria One wap.one.at
Belgium Orange orangeinternet
Belgium Mobistar web.pro.be
Belgium Proximus internet.proximus.be
Bermuda AT&T proxy
Bermuda Mobility net.bm
Brazil Claro claro.com.br
Brazil Oi gprs.oi.com.br
Brazil TIM tim.br
Bulgaria Mobiltel (Mtel) inet-gprs.mtel.bg
Canada Fido internet.fido.ca
Canada Rogers AT&T internet.com
Chile Entel PCS imovil.entelpcs.cl
Chile Telefonica GSM web.tmovil.cl
China China Mobile cmnet
Croatia VIPNET gprs.vipnet.hr
Czech Republic Eurotel internet
Czech Republic Oskar internet
Czech Republic Oskar prepaid cards ointernet
Czech Republic T-Mobile internet.t-mobile.cz
Denmark TDCmobil internet
Denmark Orange web.orange.dk
Eygpt Vodafone internet.vodafone.net
Dominican Republic Orange Dominicana orangenet.com.do
Finland Telia Mobile internet
Finland DNA internet
Finland Sonera internet
Finland Radiolinja internet
Finland Saunalahti saunalahti
France Orange orange.fr
France SFR websfr
France Bouygues Telecom eBouygTel.com
Germany D2 Vodafone web.vodafone.de
Germany E-Plus internet.eplus.de
Germany O2 internet
Germany Quam quam.de
Germany T-Mobile D1 internet.t-d1.de
Greece Vodafone internet.vodafone.gr
Greece Telestet gint.b-online.gr
Greece Cosmote internet
Hungary Vodafone (Prepaid "Optimized") vitamax.internet.vodafone.net
Hungary Vodafone (Prepaid "Standard") vitamax.snet.vodafone.net
Hungary Vodafone (Postpaid "Optimized") internet.vodafone.net
Hungary Vodafone (Postpaid "Standard") standardnet.vodafone.net
Hong Kong CSL internet
Hong Kong Orange web.orangehk.com
Hong Kong New World internet
Hong Kong People internet
Hong Kong SmarTone internet
Hong Kong Sunday internet
India Orange, Hutch www
Iceland Siminn gprs.simi.is
India BPL Mobile bplgprs.com
India Airtel airtelgprs.com
Indonesia Telkomsel internet
Ireland O2 internet
Ireland Vodafone live.vodafone.com
Israel Cellcom internetg
Israel Orange internet
Italy TIM uni.tim.it
Italy Vodafone Omnitel web.omnitel.it
Italy Wind internet.wind
Latvia Latvia Mobile Telefone internet.lmt.lv
Luxembourg LUXGSM web.pt.lu
Luxembourg Tango internet
Malaysia Celcom celcom.net.my
Mexico Movistar internet.movistar.mx
Mexico Telcel internet.itelcel.com
Montenegro Monet gprs.monetcg.com
Netherlands T-Mobile internet
Netherlands KPM Mobile internet
Netherlands Orange internet
Netherlands O2 internet
Netherlands Vodafone (normal) web.vodafone.nl
Netherlands Vodafone (business) office.vodafone.nl
New Zealand Vodafone NZ
Norway Netcom internet.netcom.no
Norway Telenor internet
Pakistan UFone ufone.internet
Paraguay Personal internet
Paraguay Tigo internet.tigo.py
Philippines Smart internet
Philippines Globe internet.globe.com.ph
Poland Era erainternet
Poland Idea
Poland PlusGSM
Portugal Optimus internet
Portugal TMN internet
Portugal Vodafone (Telcel) internet.vodafone.pt
Romania Connex internet.connex.ro
Romania Orange internet
Russia BeeLine internet.beeline.ru
Russia Megafon internet.nw
Russia MTS internet.mts.ru
Russia PrimTel internet.primtel.ru
Saudi Arabia Saudi Telecom Jawalnet.com.sa
Serbia-Montenegro Mobtel Srbija internet
Serbia-Montenegro Telekom Srbija gprsinternet
Singapore M1 sunsurf
Singapore Singtel internet
Singapore Starhub shwapint
Slovakia Eurotel internet
Slovakia Orange internet
South Africa MTN internet
Spain Amena amenawap
Spain Telefonica (Movistar) movistar.es
Spain Vodafone airtelnet
Sweden Telia online.telia.se
Sweden Vodafone SE internet.vodafone.net
Switzerland Swisscom gprs.swisscom.ch
Switzerland Orange CH internet
Switzerland sunrise internet
Switzerland UMC
Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom internet
Taiwan Far EasTone fetnet01
Taiwan KG Telecom internet
Taiwan Taiwan Cellular internet
Thailand AIS internet
Thailand DTAC
Turkey Avea internet
Turkey Aycell aycell
Turkey Telsim telsim
Turkey Turkcell internet
UK Jersey Telecom pepper
UK O2 mobile.o2.co.uk
UK T-Mobile general.t-mobile.co.uk
UK Vodafone UK internet
UK Orange orangeinternet
Ukraine Kyivstar GSM
Ukraine UMC
USA T-Mobile internet2.voicestream.com
USA AT&T proxy
USA Cingular isp.cingular
Venezuela Digital TIM gprsweb.digitel.ve
Vietnam MobiFone Mobi-gprs-wap
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