8900 Today Plus Theme 83XX#
# The first genuine Curve 8900 (Javelin) Theme for your Curve 83xx and 88xx.
# Highest Quality theme available on Mobihand
# User Customizable bottom dock
# Icons Scroll vertically on the trackball from top to bottom (When new version of themebuilder comes out, support for both direction will be available)
# Genuine OS 4.6 Icons
# Genuine Application Screen Background (not locked)
# Programs folder added on application screen
# User Defined Fonts for Messages and Lists (OS 4.5 Only)
# Transparent Dialog Box (Does not conflict with Opera Mini)
# Shows 3 messages and 4 calendar appointments (OS 4.3 & 4.5 Only). OS 4.2.2 will only support 2 messages and 2 calendar appointments at a time.
# Theme will be subject to regular updates based upon feedback from the forums
Installation instructions
This will only work if you have a memory card:
1. Copy all files to memory card
2. Go to MEDIA on blackberry 83XX and pull up the menu
3. Select Explore...go to the folder where you stored the files
4. Select the JAD.File
5. Enjoy!!!