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Subject: Crohns Affects More than Just the Body
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Post at 17-6-2008 08:54 PM Profile P.M.

Crohns Affects More than Just the Body

Humans are encased in a physical body but they are made up of more than just the body. They also have minds and emotions. Crohns is a physical disease but it affects all aspects of the human condition.

First lets be clear. Emotionstresswhatever you want to call it, does NOT CAUSE Crohns Disease. However, a person, who has gone through weeks of the physical symptoms of Crohns before it has finally been diagnosed, is most likely very stressed and emotional. People exhibit varying emotions when faced with a Crohns diagnosis. Some become very angry while others feel guilty and think they have done something that has caused it. Some may be relieved to finally have a name for what is wrongCrohns is badcancer is worse.

Depression often sets in soon after the diagnosis. Coping with a chronic illness is no walk in the park. It soon dawns on the patient that every corner of his life has been changed in some way by this disease. Depression is a normal response.

Counseling can help as can talking with others who have Crohns and are, in fact coping. A real world or online support group should be sought out. Becoming educated and informed about the disease and knowing what research is taking place can help to alleviate depression, too. A bout of depression is normal but it needs to be addressed and relieved sooner rather than later.

Crohns patients eventually learn how to prepare and plan for the events in their daily lives and work around the sometimes potentially embarrassing symptoms of Crohns. Life does go on and their depression will abate with time and with help and support from their friends and families. Living with Crohns disease is a challenge but it is possible to live a full and productive life and have Crohns at the same time.


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