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Subject: Blackberry 8310 curve says to put 'new password'
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Registered 3-7-2009
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Post at 3-7-2009 09:49 AM Profile P.M.

Blackberry 8310 curve says to put 'new password'

Hi, i have a blackberry 8310 and bought it from a friend for £120, after doing a reboot the blackberry ask me to enter 'New Password' and i tried entering few but it doesn't work, it either says to short or not using short characters, i don't know what to do as my friend is in 3 weeks holiday and when tried to call him it does not work, it says to call with BT.

Please do help me.


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Registered 18-10-2008
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Post at 8-7-2009 04:46 AM Profile Blog P.M.
Did you try to wipe out the handset


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