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Subject: Earthquakes 2004 - 2008
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Earthquakes 2004 - 2008

Here is a list of recorded earthquakes from 2004 to 2008 ( so far)

Earthquakes in 2004.

September 5, 2004 19:07 (UTC), 23:57 (Local) Off central Tokai region, western Japan 0 20+ injured, tsunami and flooding 6.9 and 7.4

October 8, 2004 15:35 Mindoro, Philippines 13.21 121.65 — Sporadic blackouts 6.6

October 9, 2004 22:26 80 kilometres southwest of Managua, Nicaragua 12 86 0 Minimal damage 6.9

October 23, 2004 17:56 Ojiya, Japan. Chuetsu earthquake 37.3 138.8 46 4801 injured; 103,000+ displaced 6.9

October 27, 2004 18:34 Vrancea, Romania 0 Telephone service interrupted; felt also in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova and Turkey 5.8 (Istanbul's Kandilli Observatory reported 6.5)

November 10, 2004 22:58 Solomon Islands 9 159 0 No injuries nor damage 6.9

November 11, 2004 21:36 96 kilometres west-northwest of Dili, East Timor 6 21 injured 7.3

November 15, 2004 around 9:00 off coast of Chocó, Colombia 0 11+ injured, 18 homes destroyed, half near Buenaventura 6.7

November 21, 2004 45 kilometres north-northwest of Dominica 1 Half-dozen injured, damage also in Guadeloupe 6.0

November 21, 2004 48 kilometres south-southwest of San José, Costa Rica 8 Half-dozen injured 6.2

November 28, 2004 18:32 900 kilometres northwest of Tokyo, Japan, 50 km below sea level 0 8 injured, utility services interrupted in hundreds of homes 7.1

December 23, 2004 14:59 495 kilometres north of Macquarie Island, SW of New Zealand 50.24°S 160.13°E 0 Minimal damage reported in southern New Zealand 8.1


Earthquakes in 2005.

February 11, 2005 21:00:23.9 114 kilometres southwest of Haines Junction, Yukon, Canada 60.21°N 139.50°W 0 No damage nor injuries 5.5

February 22, 2005 02:25:21 UTC, 05:55:21 Local Time Zarand, Iran

see 2005 Zarand earthquake 30.726°N 56.817°E At least 790 Hundreds injured, damage in some 40 villages, centered 150 miles from Bam, Iran 6.4

March 6, 2005 19:06:52 UTC, 3:06:52 AM Local Time Near Sua-ho, Taiwan 24.607°N 121.859°E 0 Followed minutes later by a magnitude 5.4 aftershock. 5.7

March 6, 2005 06:17:49 UTC, 1:17:49 AM Local Time Gaspé Peninsula, Canada 47.750°N 69.730°W 0 102 km (63 miles) WNW (303°) from Fort Kent, Maine 5.4

March 20, 2005 01:53 UTC, 10:53 AM Local Time Offshore of Fukuoka, Japan earthquake 33.54°N 130.12°E 1 1145 injured; 3000+ displaced 7.0

June 12, 2005 15:41 UTC, 8:41 AM Local Time Anza, California, USA 33.533°E 116.578°SE 0 5.2

June 13, 2005 22:44:33 UTC, 18:44:33 Local Time Tarapacá, Chile 19.896°S 69.125°W 11 115 km (70 miles) ENE of Iquique, Chile. 7.8

June 15, 2005 02:50:53 UTC, 18:50:53 Local Time June 14 Offshore of Northern California, USA 41.284°N 125.983°W 0 157 km (98 miles) WSW of Crescent City, California. 7.2

June 16, 2005 20:53 UTC, 01:53 PM Yucaipa, California, USA 34.058N 117.011W 5 km NE of Yucaipa, CA 4.9

July 25, 2005 04:10:00 UTC, 10:10:00 PM Mountain Daylight Time local Butte, Montana, USA 45.35°N 112.867°W 0 77 km (48 miles) SSW of Butte, MT 5.6

August 16, 2005 02:46:30 UTC, 11:46:30 Local Time August 16 Off the east coast of Honshu, Japan Miyagi earthquake 38.259°N 148.980°E 0 95 km
(60 miles) E of Sendai, Miyagi. 7.2

September 25, 2005 01:56 UTC ,20:56 Local Time Northern Peru 2 100 km (60 miles) northeast of the jungle city of Moyobamba in the San Martín Region of Peru, and the
earthquake struck an area about 715 km (445 miles) north of Lima. 7.5

October 8, 2005 03:50:38 UTC, 08:50:38 Local Time October 8 Kashmir earthquake 34.43°N 73.54°E >75000 19 km (11.8 miles) northeast of Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan 7.6

November 26, 2005 00:49:37 UTC, 08:49:37 Local Time Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, China 29.7°N 115.7°E 13 Midway between Ruichang County seat and Jiujiang City 5.7

December 5, 2005 12:19:55 UTC, 14:19:55 Local Time Lake Tanganyika region earthquake 6.212°S 29.599°E 2 55 km (35 miles) SE of Kalemie, DR Congo 6.8


Earthquakes in 2006.

January 8, 2006 11:34:52 UTC, 13:34:52 Local Time Southern Greece earthquake 36.250°N 23.498°E 195 km (120 miles) S of Athens 6.9

February 23, 2006 00:19 Local Time Northern Mozambique 140 miles southwest of Beira 7.5

April 20, 2006 23:25:04 UTC Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Russia Kamchatka earthquakes 61.075°N 167.085°E 0 195 km (120 miles) NE of Ilpyrskoye, Russia.
Several aftershocks, up to 6.1 on the Richter Scale 7.6

May 3, 2006 15:26:39 UTC Tonga 20.130°S 174.164°W 0 Several aftershocks, up to 6.0 on the Richter Scale 7.9

May 16, 2006 10:39:23 UTC Kermadec Islands 31.559°S 179.296°W 0 7.4

May 27, 2006 22:54:02 UTC Java, Indonesia earthquake 7.977°S 110.318°E 6234 25 km (15 miles) SSW of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, over 6,200 dead, 33,000 injured, more than 200,000 left homeless 6.3

Jul 17, 2006 08:19:25 UTC South of Java, Indonesia earthquake 9.334°S 107.263°E >400 225 km (140 miles) NE of Christmas Island; 240 km (150 miles) SSW of Tasikmalaya 7.7

Aug 11, 2006 14:30:39 UTC Guerrero, Mexico 18.486°N 100.930°W 0 75 km (45 miles) WNW of Arcelia, Guerrero, Mexico 6.0

Aug 11, 2006 20:54:12 UTC Pulau Simeuleu, Sumatra, Indonesia 2.374°N 96.321°E 0 285 km (175 miles) WNW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia 6.0

Aug 20, 2006 03:41:47 UTC Scotia Sea 61.023°S 34.373°W 0 495 km (305 miles) WSW of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands 7.1

September 10, 2006 14:56:07 UTC Gulf of Mexico 26.339°N 86.568°W 0 418 km (260 miles) WSW of Clearwater, Florida 6.0

October 15, 2006 17:07:48 UTC Hawaii (See 2006 Hawaii earthquake) 19.801°N 156.053°W 0 6.7

November 15, 2006 11:14:16 UTC Kuril Islands 46.616°N 153.224°E 0 Small tsunami hit Northern Japan, several aftershocks as strong as magnitude 6.3 8.3

November 29, 2006 07:22:55 UTC Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 46.48°N 81.17°W 0 Epicentre near Lively. No major damage; reported to have been felt as far as Toronto. 4.1

December 26, 2006 12:26:21 UTC 91 km (56 miles) SSE of Kaohsiung, Taiwan See:2006 Hengchun earthquake 21.818°N 120.534°E 2 Phone service & Internet service
interrupted; items knocked off shelves; three buildings destroyed; magnitude 7.0 aftershock struck eight minutes later. 7.1


Earhquakes in 2007.

January 13, 2007 04:23:20 UTC East of the Kuril Islands 46.288°N 154.448°E 0 Several aftershocks up to magnitude 6. Tsunami warnings issued for the entire Pacific basin.
The second great earthquake to strike this region in three months. 8.2

January 20, 2007 20:56:51 Local Time Gangwon-do,South Korea 37.75°N 128.69°E 0 4.8

January 21, 2007 07:39:00 UTC Province of Agri, Turkey 39.803°N 42.807°E 0 Demolished homes in several villages 5.1

January 21, 2007 11:27:42 UTC Molucca Sea 1.207°N 126.292°E 4 Preceded by a magnitude 6 foreshock. Several aftershocks up to magnitude 6.2. 7.5

February 12, 2007 11:27:42 UTC Cabo de São Vicente, Portugal (see 2007 Iberian Peninsula earthquake) 36.09°N 10.26°E 6.1

March 6, 2007 05:49:28 UTC Sumatra, Indonesia (see March 2007 Sumatra earthquakes) 0.490°S 100.529°E >60 Followed by a magnitude 6.3 aftershock and several smaller ones.
Widespread damage to homes, communication lines, and travel ways in Sumatra. Thousands forced to flee their homes. 6.4

March 25, 2007 00:40:02 (UTC) Vanuatu 20.597°S 169.413°E 0 7.2

March 25, 2007 00:42:02 (UTC) Off the west coast of Honshu, Japan 37.537°N 136.438°E 1 110 injured. Tsunami warnings issued for the nearby coastal areas, 6-inch tsunami hit shore
closest to epicenter. 6.7

April 1, 2007 20:39:56 (UTC) Solomon Islands (see 2007 Solomon Islands earthquake) 8.474°S 156.950°E >28 Followed by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Tsunami destroyed at least 60
buildings and left at least 2,000 people homeless. 10 to 20 remain missing. 8.1
April 13, 2007 05:42:23 (UTC) Guerrero, Mexico 17.353°N 100.101°W 0 Followed by a magnitude 5.4 aftershock. Extensive power outages in Mexico City and Acapulco, but no serious
damage. 6.0

April 20, 2007 01:45:56 (UTC) Southwestern Ryukyu Islands, Japan 25.714°N 125.250°E 0 Preceded by a magnitude 6 foreshock, followed by many aftershocks up to magnitude 5.9. 6.1

April 28, 2007 07:18:11 (UTC) Kent, United Kingdom (see 2007 Kent earthquake) 51.080°N 1.170°E 0 474 houses reported as having toppled chimneys and ******* walls; 73 of these were
deemed too dangerous for the residents to return. 4.2

May 16, 2007 08:56:18 (UTC) Laos 20.470°N 100.703°E 0 Caused buildings to sway as far away as Bangkok. There were widespread evacuations, but no reports of significant damage. 6.3

June 2, 2007 21:34:58 (UTC) Yunnan, China 23.013°N 101.053°E 2 2 killed, over 200 more injured (15 seriously). Significant damage to some houses and roads, as well as electrical lines,
communication lines, and water pipes. 6.2
June 13, 2007 19:29:46 (UTC) Offshore Guatemala 13.628°N 90.732°W 0 Phone communications down throughout Guatemala. Many houses damaged and some people possibly missing.
Shaking felt into El Salvador and waveform registered as far away as Midway Island. A magnitude 5.8 quake struck the same area five days beforehand. 6.8

July 6, 2007 01:09:21 (UTC) Chiapas, Mexico 16.678°N 93.479°W 0 Power and phone service knocked out. Buildings and businesses in three Mexican states evacuated. 6.1

July 16, 2007 01:13:28 (UTC) Honshu, Japan (see 2007 Chuetsu offshore earthquake) 37.574°N 138.440°E 9 Many wooden buildings collapsed. Hundreds of people trapped and injured, with 9
confirmed dead. 50cm waves hit shores near the epicenter. Fires broke out near the Kashiwazaki nuclear power station, causing a small leak of radioactive material into the sea. After
shocks up to magnitude 5.8; a magnitude 6.8 quake struck further west several hours later, but caused no damage due to its large depth. 6.6

July 18, 2007 20:30:00 (EAT) Nairobi, Kenya Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania 1°17'0?S, 36°49'0?E 0 The current largest event of an ongoing earthquake swarm, possibly as a result of volcanic
activity on Ol Doinyo Lengai volcanic mountain in Northern Tanzania. Tremor occurrences began on July 12, 2007. Shook buildings and caused panic in East Africa 5.9

July 20, 2007 04:40:00 Local San Francisco, California 37°48'4?N, 122°11'3?W 0 Slight damage, no injuries reported. 4.2

August 1, 2007 17:08:54 (UTC) Vanuatu 15.671°S 167.602°E 0 No tsunami threat - while the hypocenter was offshore, it was too deep to cause enough surface displacement for a tsunami. 7.2

August 2, 2007 02:37:43 (UTC) Tatar Strait, Russia 47.259°N 141.750°E 1 Followed by a magnitude 6.1 aftershock and several smaller ones. 12-inch tsunami hit northern Japan. Several injuries
and one fatality from a collapsed roof in the Russian town of Nevelsk. 6.2

August 8, 2007 17:04:58 (UTC) Java, Indonesia 5.968°S 107.655°E 0 Felt throughout west and central Java. Hypocenter too deep to set off tsunami warnings. 7.5

August 15, 2007 23:40:58 UTC 40.2 km (25 miles) northwest of Chincha Alta, Peru (see 2007 Peru earthquake) 13.322°S 76.508°W 519 519 people killed with 1,366 injured. Followed by a large
number of aftershocks larger than magnitude 5, the strongest of which measured 6.3. Tsunami warnings for Chile, Peru, Hawaii, other areas of Central and South America were later cancelled. 8.0

September 12, 2007 11:10:23 (UTC) Sumatra, Indonesia (see September 2007 Sumatra earthquakes) 4.517°S 101.382°E 23 Buildings swayed in Jakarta. Many buildings collapsed on the west
coast of Sumatra. At least 23 dead, and over a hundred injured. Tsunami alert issued for the entire Indian Ocean region. Followed by two other earthquakes measuring 7.9 and 7.0, and over
a hundred aftershocks. 8.4

September 28, 2007 13:38:58 UTC Mariana Islands 21.980°N 142.685°E 0 This was a deep focus earthquake, thus no Tsunami warnings were issued. A magnitude 6.9 occurred further South of the
islands on September 30. 7.4

September 30, 2007 5:23:36 UTC Auckland Islands, New Zealand 49.394°S 163.842°E 0 Followed by a magnitude 6.6 aftershock. 7.4

October 15, 2007 12:29 UTC Milford Sound, South Island, New Zealand 44.68°S 167.21°E 0 Followed by 7 major aftershocks all being above 4 on the Richter Scale, with the largest being 6.2. 6.7

October 24, 2007 21:02:51 UTC Southern Sumatra, Indonesia 3.909°S 101.061°E 0 Considered to be an aftershock of the magnitude 8.4 quake that struck the same region on September 12, 2007. 6.8

October 31, 2007 03:04:54 UTC Alum Rock, California, USA 37.4325°N 121.7757°W 0 Occurred on the Calaveras Fault. No major damage. Largest quake to hit the San Francisco Bay Area since the
1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. 5.4

October 31, 2007 03:30:20 UTC Pagan Region, Northern Mariana Islands 18.854°N 145.315°E 0 Deep enough to not warrant a tsunami warning. 7.2

November 14, 2007 15:40:53 UTC Antofagasta, Chile (see 2007 Antofagasta earthquake) 22.189°S 69.843°W 2 Two killed, dozens more injured, at least 4,000 left homeless. A tsunami warning was
initially issued for the whole south Pacific, but was lifted within an hour. 7.7

November 25, 2007 16:02:18 UTC Sumbawa, Indonesia 8.294°S 118.360°E 3 Two earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 occurring within hours of each other. At least 3 killed, hundreds injured and many
houses destroyed. 6.5 and 6.5

November 29, 2007 19:00:19 UTC Martinique Region, Windward Islands 14.951°N 61.241°W 1 Strongest earthquake to affect the Eastern Caribbean in decades. Widespread moderate to locally
severe damage reported throughout Martinique and Dominica with furthest reports of damage coming from Barbados 274 km from the epicenter where landslips caused partial collapse of
apartment buildings. Felt from Puerto Rico in the north to as far as Guyana and Venezuela in the south. No tsunami warning issued due to the deep hypocenter of the earthquake.7.4

December 9, 2007 02:03:29 UTC Minas Gerais, Brazil 15.049°S 44.199°W 1 One killed, six more injured, six houses completely leveled. Sixty residents in two small towns near the epicenter were
evacuated. 4.9

December 9, 2007 07:28:24 UTC South of the Fiji Islands 26.156°S 177.453°W 0 7.8

December 19, 2007 09:30:30 UTC Andreanof Islands, Aleutians, Alaska 51.495°N 179.473°W 0 7.2


Earthquakes in 2008.

January 5, 2008 11:01:05 UTC Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada 51.299°N 130.713°W 0 Two earthquakes of magnitude 6.6 and 6.4 occurring within 45 minutes of each other. The first was preceded by a
magnitude 5.6 foreshock approx 20 minutes before. Aftershocks of magnitude 5.0. 6.6 and 6.4

January 6, 2008 05:14:17 UTC Athens, Greece 37.150°N 22.934°W 0 6.5

February 3, 2008 07:34:12 UTC Lac Kivu region, Democratic Republic of the Congo 2.314°S 28.896°E >39 Main: 2008 Lake Kivu earthquake. At least 39 killed and over 300 injured. Many buildings -
commercial, religious, and residential - destroyed. Followed by several destructive aftershocks up to magnitude 5.0. 6.0

February 14, 2008 13:34 UTC Kalamata, Greece 36.646°N 21.833°E 0 6.5 and 6.4

February 20, 2008 08:08:31 UTC Simeulue, Indonesia 2.751°N 95.966°E 3 Quake lasted for almost a minute. Strongly felt more than 300 km (185 miles) away in Banda Aceh, where people left their
offices after buildings started shaking. Precautionary tsunami alerts for Indonesia and nearby coastal areas were briefly issued. 7.5

February 20, 2008 15:26:52 UTC Storfjorden, Svalbard (Norway) 77.41°N 14.48°E 0 The quake's epicenter was about 140 km south-east of Longyearbyen. The quake may be Norway's biggest
quake in a hundred years. 6.2

February 21, 2008 14:16:05 UTC Wells, Nevada, USA 41.076°N 114.771°W 0 Earthquake near Wells, Nevada. It was the largest earthquake in the continental United States since the M6.6 June 17,
2005 earthquake offshore northern California. 6.0

February 27, 2008 00:56:45 UTC Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, UK 53.321°N 0.314°W 0 Main: 2008 Lincolnshire earthquake. Earthquake reported 15 km north east of Lincoln. Tremor felt across the
UK, as far north as Newcastle-upon-Tyne and south as London. Quake lasted for approximately 20 seconds. 5.2

April 18, 2008 09:36:56 UTC (04:36:56 Central) Southeastern Illinois 38.481°N 87.826°W 0 Main: 2008 Illinois earthquake. Earthquake centered 66 km (41 miles) NNW of Evansville, Indiana, near the
village of West Salem, Illinois. It was felt widespread across southern Illinois and eastern portions of Missouri including St. Louis, 203 km (126 miles) away. Aftershocks were felt as far south as
Tennessee and Georgia in the United States and Ontario in Canada. 5.2

May 12, 2008 06:28:00 UTC Sichuan Province,China 31.099°N 103.279°E >20,000 Main: 2008 Sichuan earthquake Earthquake centered 92 km northwest of Chengdu. Felt as far away as Beijing and Shanghai, where office buildings swayed with the impact 7.9

Here's the worst earthquakes on record.(upto 2005)

Last year seemed quite bad and this year has made a bad start too. Maybe it's climate change, maybe it's mother nature wanting her planet back, or maybe it's just the human race taking too much and not giving anything back.Makes you wonder what's going on in the world, doesn't it ?


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