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Subject: Love Hearts
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Registered 20-11-2007
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Post at 13-6-2008 11:59 PM Profile Blog P.M.

Love Hearts

Tropical beach. Calm sea. Sunny weather. Bikini babes. It's a dream day. Or at least it would have been one if not for the mosquitoes - big, buzzy, blood sucking beasts, on the prowl for soft feminine flesh.

Are you ready for love? Then prove it by catching those elusive hearts. You'll need intuition and dedication if you want to catch them. Prove that you love enough, and your girl will take her clothes off for you. Get careless, and the only thing you'll see tonight is the door slamming in your face. No one said love was easy...

- Straightforward, addictive collect-em-up gameplay with a fresh angle
- Five beautiful women in five different locales to undress

blackberry 71xx/81xx

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Medal No.1 Medal No.8
Registered 30-5-2008
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Post at 23-6-2008 08:13 AM Profile P.M.
i owwnnn the forum


Rank: 1

Registered 25-6-2008
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Post at 8-7-2008 03:46 PM Profile P.M.
Please send me direct link of game. Will do anything.

Registered 22-11-2008
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Post at 29-11-2008 07:43 PM Profile P.M.

Originally posted by wildefire at 7/8/2008 06:46 PM
Please send me direct link of game. Will do anything.

Promote the site. The more people that are referred here by you and decide to join and the more you contribute to the site then the sooner you can become a VIP.....there is a link at the top of the page, if you click the red bolded promote link then you will be given codes to place in your email groups, favorite download sites, other forums, your friends, etc... once someone uses that link to come here and decide to appy for a member your promte will increase. Once you reach 500 status you may ask for VIP membership....

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