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Subject: WorldMate Live for BlackBerry
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Post at 28-10-2007 06:23 AM Profile Blog P.M.

WorldMate Live for BlackBerry

Transform your BlackBerry® into a Personal Mobile Travel Assistant

  • Real-time travel notifications
  • Itinerary management
  • Weather, clocks and currency converter
  • Sending itinerary to friends

Download now| OTA go to:

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Post at 26-8-2008 01:20 PM Profile P.M.
Almorafiq is a freeware English to Arabic translator for Blackberry with a fast search function which covers about 30.000 words

nstallation Instructions for Mobile Softwares
1. System Requirements
2. Installing on a Java enabled Phone (Nokia, Motorola, Sony, Samsung etc)
3. Installing on a Pocket PC
4. Installing on Palm OS (Treo, Lifedrive, Tungsten etc)
5. Installing on Blackberry OS 3.8+

1. System Requirements:
A Java-enabled phone that supports:
* MIDP 2.0
* JAR (Java Archive) files of size 800 KB or more.
* 120 KB of FREE RAM
* Screen width of 128 pixels or more (135 pixels recommended)

2. Installing on a Java enabled phone.
- There are SPECIAL Instructions for Motorola, Sony Ericsson and Samsung phones. Please read below!
- If installing for a Motorola Phone, please refer to the instructions given below for Motorola Phones
- Unzip the ZIP file on your PC desktop. Use WinZip ( to unzip the file.
- Ensure you have a Data-Cable or Bluetooth or Infra-red (along with its software) for transferring the file from your PC to your Mobile
- Choose the right CLDC version (there should be a CLDC 1.0 and a 1.1 directory). Your phone will work with only one of the two. Try CLDC 1.0 first, if that doesn't work, try 1.1.
- Browse into a chosen CLDC directory and transfer the .JAR file from the directory on your PC to your Mobile (e.g. transfer CLDC1.0\PrayerTimes.jar to your mobile). For this step, you will need a data cable that came with your phone, a cradle or bluetooth. Please consult your phone's manual for further details on how to transfer files from your PC to your mobile.
- Once the file has been transferred to your mobile (you can transfer it to a storage card or main memory), open the transferred file from your mobile to begin installation
- In some Nokia models (e.g. E61), your mobile may complain that it is unable to install the software as it's not 'Signed'. You can remove this warning by going into "Tools->Application Manager->Options->Settings" and change the 'Software Installation' option to 'All'.
* Installing on a Motorola Phone
- Some Motorolas Only install Over The Air, so you will need to use WAP ( to install, you may try the following as well.
- You will need a memory card installed in your phone
- Insert storage memory in the phone (if it is not already in.)
- Using USB cable, connect phone to PC.
- Double click on My Computer and open the newly mounted mobile drive
- You will see a "mobile" directory. Open it and there you will see a "kjava" folder.
- Copy jar file into the mobile's "kjava" folder
- After copying successfully, disconnect the mobile from PC.
- In the phone select Games & Apps from menu.
- Scroll down to the bottom and select "Memory Card"
- Select option [Install New] on the memory card screen
- Select PrayerTimes from list and install it.
* Installing on a Sony Ericsson (Especially a P910i/P990i)
1. Obtain the latest copies of the softwares from the website
2. Install the PC Suite that comes with P910i (you can download it for free from the sony ericsson website)
3. Connect mobile with PC using Cradle
4. Use the "Install Software" option from Start->Programs->Sony Ericsson->P910i
5. It will ask for a *.SIS, *.JAD and *.JAR file. We made it point to the QuranReaderArabicMK.jar file and clicked Next
6. It will copy the file successfully and then install it successfully.
* Installing on a Samsung Phones
- Note that not all Samsung phones support these softwares. Some have internal JAR limit. Moreover, most Samsungs will ONLY install softwares over WAP. You can download it via WAP from (
- For D500 and E730 especially, the method given on the following site has been tested. Please follow ALL steps mentioned there to by pass WAP restriction on Samsungs and install via BlueTooth/USB Cable:

3.Installing on a Pocket PC
- Pocket PCs normally come with a "MIDlet Manager". Please check if you have a "MIDlet Manager" installed under 'Programs' on your Pocket PC. If you don't, you will need to dowload it and install it before copying the JAR files to your device. A MIDlet Manager is what enables Java programs on Pocket PCs. Click on the link below to download the zipped MIDlet Manager:
- Installation Procedure: Simply unzip the above file, copy the CAB file to your Pocket PC and tap it from there. This will install the MIDlet Manager on your device.
- Reset your device
- Now copy the JAR files from your PC to your Pocket PC and tap the files from there. This should start the installation procedure. If it doesn't, then your mobile unfortunately does not support Prayer Times.

4. Installing on Palm OS
- Make sure you have the (FREE) IBM Webshpere JVM installed on your Palm before hand. Check it out at
- Open the Palm Desktop software on your PC and connect your Palm device to the PC using a USB cable
- Select "Quick Install" from Palm Desktop and drag the PRC files to the quick install window
- Press the HotSync button on your Palm USB cable

5. Installing on Blackberry OS 3.8+
- Unzip the ZIP file on your PC desktop. Use WinZip ( to unzip the file.
- Open BlackBerry Desktop Manager and use a USB cable to load the .ALX file using the Desktop Manager


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Post at 14-10-2008 08:10 PM Profile P.M.
thanks a lot

Registered 22-11-2008
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Post at 22-11-2008 12:28 PM Profile P.M.
thank you so much
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Registered 19-12-2008
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Post at 19-12-2008 06:39 PM Profile P.M.
Reply #1 bb818's post

coll aplization
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Registered 23-12-2008
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Post at 24-12-2008 12:26 AM Profile P.M.
Reply #1 bb818's post


Registered 2-1-2009
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Post at 3-1-2009 05:23 PM Profile P.M.
thanks! will check it out

Registered 24-12-2008
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Post at 4-1-2009 10:38 PM Profile P.M.
is this gold version?
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Registered 9-2-2009
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Post at 9-2-2009 01:09 PM Profile P.M.
WooHoo !!!!!!!!!!
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Registered 9-2-2009
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Post at 10-2-2009 08:38 PM Profile P.M.

wow amazing softwareeeee

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