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Subject: World Snooker Championship 2008 for blackberry 87/88/83
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Post at 29-6-2008 05:42 AM Profile Blog P.M.

World Snooker Championship 2008 for blackberry 87/88/83

Are we snooker loopy? Well, we are for two weeks of the year, when the World Championship takes place at the Crucible. It's an excuse to veg out on the sofa for some late-night ball-clacking action. And then we watch the snooker, obviously. I-play has announced that it's bringing out an official game, World Snooker Championship, which will be released in March to tie in with the actual tournament in April. The game's being developed by Blade Interactive Games, the new mobile division of Blade Interactive, which was responsible for Sega's PSP game, erm, World Snooker Championship. In other words, they've got form. Will you play as snooker demon Ronnie O'Sullivan, the legendary Steve Davis or all-time favourite John Higgins?" asks I-play CEO Davi Gosen, getting into the spirit of things. "With these snooker gods, the World Snooker Championships on your mobile will be as compelling as the real thing." Interesting, given that Ronnie O'Sullivan already has his own snooker game on mobile published by Player One, and Steve Davis has his own slightly older title published by Infospace. But Blade Interactive is promising that the new game will feature the top 32 players in the world, so we won't argue. The developer also says that World Snooker Championship will feature motion-captured animation and real tournaments as well as the World Championship itself. * All new facial animation system shows the pressure and emotions of the players * Brand new stats upgrade feature allows you to improve your skills as you play * Brand new dynamic camera angles including a picture in picture camera which shows your opponents reactions to your shots.
blackberry 87/88/83

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Post at 2-7-2008 12:06 PM Profile P.M.
snooker is fun


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Registered 4-3-2009
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Post at 5-3-2009 02:33 AM Profile P.M.
i like it. Thanks
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Post at 5-3-2009 05:41 PM Profile P.M.
I download it. Thanks
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