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Subject: How To: Downgrade Operating Systems
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Registered 19-10-2007
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Post at 10-11-2007 10:19 PM Profile Blog P.M.

How To: Downgrade Operating Systems

1. Find the OS that you are wanting to downgrade to.

2. Download it to your computer.

3. Run the .exe file and install the OS onto your computer.

4. Do a search for vendor.xml and delete it.

Or go Start/My Computer/C: Drive/Program Files/Common Files/Research In Motion/App Loader and it should be down in the bottom there.

5. Now connect your device to the USB.

6. Start Desktop Manager.

7. Go to Add Applications.

8. A box will pop up giving you the option of downgrading or keeping the same OS.

9. Click the downgraded OS and you are on your way.

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Registered 19-10-2007
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Post at 23-11-2007 02:36 AM Profile Blog P.M.
BlackBerry Operating System Downloads

Carrier                                                                Region           Network
3 Hong Kong Asia/Pacific GSM
A1 Europe GSM
AIS Thailand Asia/Pacific GSM
Aliant Mobility North America CDMA
Alltel North America CDMA
AT&T North America GSM
AT&T North America Mobitex
Avea Europe GSM
Bell Mobility Inc. North America CDMA
Bell Mobilité Inc. North America CDMA
Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited Asia/Pacific GSM
BT Mobile Europe GSM
Cable and Wireless South America GSM
Celcom Malaysia Asia/Pacific GSM
Centennial Wireless North America GSM
China Mobile Peoples Telephone Asia/Pacific GSM
Cincinnati Bell North America GSM
Claro Brazil South America GSM
Claro Peru South America GSM
Close Call North America CDMA
Comcel South America GSM
Comunicaciones Nextel de Mexico South America iDEN
CTI South America GSM
Dialog Sri Lanka Asia/Pacific GSM
Digicel Group South America GSM
Dobson Cellular/Cellular One North America GSM
E-Plus Europe GSM
EarthLink Wireless North America GSM
Entel PCS South America GSM
Etisalat Middle East GSM
Fastlink Jordan Middle East GSM
Globe Telecom, Inc. Asia/Pacific GSM
Hong Kong CSL Limited Asia/Pacific GSM
Hutchison Asia/Pacific GSM
Iusacell South America CDMA
KPN Europe GSM
M1 Asia/Pacific GSM
Maxis Asia/Pacific GSM
Mobistar SA/NV Europe GSM
MTN Africa GSM
MTS Mobility North America CDMA
Nextel Communications Inc. North America iDEN
Nextel Comunications Argentina S.A. South America iDEN
Nextel del Peru S.A. South America iDEN
Nextel Partners North America iDEN
NTELOS North America CDMA
O2 Ireland Europe GSM
O2 UK Europe GSM
Optus Mobile Pty Limited Asia/Pacific GSM
Orange Belgium Mobistar Europe GSM
Orange France Europe GSM
Orange Netherlands Europe GSM
Orange Poland Centertel PTK Europe GSM
Orange Romania Europe GSM
Orange Slovakia Europe GSM
Orange Spain Amena Europe GSM
Orange Switzerland Europe GSM
Orange UK Europe GSM
Payless Cellular Fantasy North America CDMA
PCCW Mobile Asia/Pacific GSM
Personal Argentina South America GSM
Porta South America GSM
Proximus Europe GSM
Rogers Wireless Inc. North America GSM
SaskTel Mobility North America CDMA
SFR Enterprises Europe GSM
Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd Asia/Pacific GSM
SMART Communications Inc. Asia/Pacific GSM
SmarTone-Vodaphone Asia/Pacific GSM
SouthernLINC Wireless North America iDEN
Sprint Spectrum L.P. North America CDMA
StarHub Ltd. Asia/Pacific GSM
SunCom Wireless North America GSM
Swisscom Mobile Europe GSM
T-Mobile Austria Europe GSM
T-Mobile Croatia Europe GSM
T-Mobile Czech Republic Europe GSM
T-Mobile Germany Europe GSM
T-Mobile Hungary Europe GSM
T-Mobile Netherlands Europe GSM
T-Mobile Poland Europe GSM
T-Mobile Slovak Republic Europe GSM
T-Mobile United Kingdom Europe GSM
T-Mobile USA North America GSM
Taiwan Mobile Asia/Pacific GSM
TBayTel North America CDMA
TDC Mobil Europe GSM
Telcel South America GSM
Telecomunicaciones Movilnet C.A. South America CDMA
Telefonica South America GSM
Telefonica Spain Europe GSM
Telefonica Venezuela South America CDMA
Telenor Sverige AB Europe GSM
Telkomsel Asia/Pacific GSM
Telstra Asia/Pacific CDMA
Telstra Asia/Pacific GSM
Telus Mobility North America CDMA
Telus Mobility North America iDEN
TIM Brazil South America GSM
TIM Italy Europe GSM
Trigcom Europe GSM
True Move South America GSM
Turkcell Middle East GSM
U.S. Cellular North America CDMA
Verizon Wireless North America CDMA
VIPnet Croatia Europe GSM
Vodacom Africa GSM
Vodafone Australia and Fiji Asia/Pacific GSM
Vodafone D2 Europe GSM
Vodafone Egypt Middle East GSM
Vodafone Essar Limited Asia/Pacific GSM
Vodafone Essar Limited (for Hutch Essar devices) Asia/Pacific GSM
Vodafone Germany Europe GSM
Vodafone Greece Europe GSM
Vodafone Ireland Europe GSM
Vodafone Netherlands Europe GSM
Vodafone New Zealand Asia/Pacific GSM
Vodafone Spain Europe GSM
Vodafone UK Europe GSM
Wind Hellas Europe GSM
XL Indonesia Asia/Pacific GSM

[ Last edited by  bb818 at 23-11-2007 18:40 ]


Rank: 1

Registered 2-6-2008
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Post at 2-6-2008 03:24 PM Profile P.M.
Very helpful post. Ty

Medal No.5 Medal No.9
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Post at 31-7-2008 07:46 AM Profile P.M.
thank you very much

Medal No.1 Medal No.8
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Post at 1-8-2008 07:51 AM Profile P.M.
Very helpful post. Ty
Rank: 2

Registered 4-11-2008
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Post at 14-11-2008 11:26 AM Profile P.M.
is there any specific reason why to downgrade the system?
Rank: 1

Registered 27-11-2008
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Post at 27-11-2008 10:20 AM Profile P.M.
very informative
Rank: 2

Registered 23-1-2009
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Post at 3-3-2009 02:16 PM Profile P.M.
you may want to use this too for easier option just select the OS you want to install, but ofcourse the OS you want must be installed in your pc.

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