GTA4 Graphics
RAGE is Rockstar's new next generation gaming Engine. The acronym is Rockstar's Advanced Game Engine. This is used in the graphics of Rockstar's game released on Xbox 360, Rockstar Games Table Tennis. This offers much more varied terrains, as well as interactiveness.
* New weather effects have been implemented. Now, there are seasons. New, fantastic lighting effects will be implemented. The sunlight reflecting off of gl**** cars and buildings have never been seen in previous Grand Theft Autos.
* The buildings are not just copies and copies now. They will be more varied than they have been in the past. This also will provide much more detail in models of cars and roads.
* Roads were all alike in past GTAs. In the streets of Liberty, some roads have potholes and metal plates where construction has taken place.
* With this engine reflections are also a big thing. See yourself in a car door, looking in your rearview mirror, and spotting yourself strut your stuff past a glass building gives Liberty City the New York feel...
* NO more loading time when entering buildings and such. There will be a fair amount of loading before the game since there will never be loading again.
* The graphics are so much more detailed than before. Such as, Niko's face and body cannot be changed (ex: getting fatter) because his physique is so greatly detailed.
* In terms of scale, GTA IV is about the same size as GTA: San Andreas. There is no desert or countryside because this would be a waste of space. As so, GTA IV is not as big as San Andreas, but there is SO MUCH more detail going down to every little light pole. It is the single biggest city ever in a GTA game though.
Euphoria System is implemented into the game and gaming system that implements the human body and nervous system, doing away with script animations. The character will act how it needs to while performing real life tasks.
* When Niko runs, his weight can be felt as he turns corners, runs down steps, and jumps. He may so down to take a turn into an alleyway while running. When walking, Niko automatically dropped his shoulders in order to squeeze past pedestrians walking on the pavement, and his footsteps and sense of balance adjusted to uneven patches of the street, as well as stairs and the rungs on the telegraph pole he climbed. As Niko continued descending a small hill further down the road, we noticed the way his weight seemed to shift backwards a little, as though he was saving himself from just pitching fowards and setting off into a run. He looked exactly like someone walking down a hill does. You can walk, jog, or sprint. Latter will make you exhausted after a while.
* Niko can climb many things that are...well...climbable: ladders, fire escapes, poles.
* Getting nudged by a slow moving car will likely result in an "I'm walkin' here" kind of reaction,whereas getting hit at top speed will see you dragged under the wheels, rolled up and over the bonnet or flung sideways - it all depends on what direction you were facing, the speed of the car, how fast you were walking, and so on.
* Changing Niko's clothes is confirmed but you cannot change his physique. When purchasing clothes, you have to choose the items from the shelf individually.
* Niko CAN swim and his motions are said to be lifelike and amazing.
* Getting shot in the leg results in a limp. Shot in the head means death. Now, an enemy, as well as yours, reacts to where they are shot, what they are shot with, and WHERE they are shot. Think of it like this was the game Clue....Shot in the stomach. With a shotgun. Next to a window. You would fall out of the window to your doom. Or this.....Shot in the leg. With a pistol. On some stairs. You would tumble tumble tumble down each step of the stairs.
GTA4 Characters
Rockstar has said that most of the characters seen in past Grand Theft Auto's will not be returning. On the other hand, Houser was asked if there would be any returning characters and he gave an intriguing smile... Perplexed are we?
Niko Bellic
An Eastern European immigrant in his mid-thirties, who has come to Liberty City to pursue the "American Dream". He is a tough character and is in his mid thirties. He is said to be very experienced at handling weaponry.
Roman is a friendly buffoon. He is heavily in a debt and everyone is after him, so he turns to his cousin for help. He runs a taxi depot in Broker, and it is a floundering business. It seems like Roman's laundry list of problems doesn't have an end in sight.
Vlad views himself as the supreme ruler of Hove Beach despite the fact he's actually very low on the totem pole. He's constantly trying to get in with the more powerful crime lords of Liberty City while only running mostly minor protection rackets.
For over a decade Elizabeta has been a very successful drug dealer in Bohan, mostly because she knows how to keep a low profile with Liberty City’s finest. However she knows an upcoming drug *****down is going to make her life very difficult and with her own narcotic use spiraling out of control she’s becoming increasingly paranoid and delusional.
When Manny was a young man he was a hoodlum, involved with the people who created graffiti, hip-hop and breakdancing. But he never was one to draw attention to himself and apparently nobody knows about his great triumphs...except for him. Now he’s turned over a new leaf and is all about cleaning up the neighborhood and keeping the kids off the streets and out of trouble, and to prove it he’s out to make a documentary about himself and his struggle.
Brucie is a man of many different faces. He’s really into bodybuilding, a car nut, and a major VIP (if he does say so himself). He’s loud, he’s into hip-hop way too much, and he’s always going to make sure you know exactly how much money he’s got. He’s got nothing but the finest women, accessories, and anabolic steroids...just like the men in the magazines he reads. That’s how he rolls.
Little Jacob
He is a Jamaican arms dealer. Seems as if he is your contact for weapons early in the game and you can call him with your cell phone. When you go to his car trunk, you scroll through the weapons like you did at the Ammu-Nations in previous GTA's. He lives in Rotterdam in the Dukes borough of Liberty City.
Francis McReary
This bastard is a corrupt cop. He knows of a felony Niko has committed, and uses it as blackmail against him.
Bryce Dawkins
Deputy Mayor Bryce Dawkins is a very strong conservative member of Liberty City's government. Known throughout the city for his Health Initiatives, including an ad campaign in support of abstinence.
If you couldn't already tell, Lola is a prostitute. She works the Docks! Not much is known about her at this moment.
GTA4 Vehicles
Stealing And Carjacking
* The system of stealing PARKED cars is more complex and involves breaking the window, and hotwiring the engine before you can drive it. While hotwiring, Niko may also become suspicious, taking a moment to glance around, then going back to wiring the car.
* Rockstar promised us that other cars would prove far more difficult to penetrate and that the police would be far savvier when it came to spotting stolen vehicles. Broken windows will get you noticed in Liberty City.
* Four different ways of jacking a vehicle.
How They Will Drive
* The camera angle in a car is closer, to show more of the detail in the car.
* The cars will bend and curve with the weight of the vehicle when turning around a corner and will handle potholes with their suspensions.
* All vehicles have new physics.
* The envioronment when drivng cars is affected.
* You can actually feel a cars bass and sound when you are walking down the street.
* Weather will affect a cars handling.
* You will be able to open/close your windows and to look outside of the car.
* There will be no planes, but helicopters are included.
* Public transportation takes a bigger role.
* Don't expect the more fantastical elements from past GTA's such as bikes and jet packs.
* You can leave the ingnition turned on , so that when you leave the car the radio continues playing.
* Helicopters have the ability to land on almost every building.
* You can open the trunk and store items in there.
* The Admiral will be in this game.
* Niko can use taxis to get around (presumably he can use the phone to call a taxi). The police are much more vigilant in GTA IV, and sometimes it is less hassle using a taxi than jacking someone's car. The trip-skip option is available for convenience.
* The comet is in the game.
* On the street of LC, the reporters saw - Ferrari, Volkswagen Jetta, BMWs, Mustangs, delivery vans, SUV's, garbage truck.
What We Think:
* You may be able to use the bus system like you did the train in GTA3.
* Trolleys may be used as transportation.
GTA4 Weapons
Aiming System
* There is an aiming system: the aiming system will hover over his shoulder as he aims. It will use duel analog controls.
* As Niko runs with his gun, the moment he pulls it out to aim, it will hover over his shoulder.
* In a screenshot in a magazine, Niko was seen doing drive-by with a Glock. It may suggests that drive-by is no more dependent only on the SMGs.
* You can hug the wall like in Metal Gear Solid to cover yourself from fire.
* You can also strafe, which is helpful when you take on the police.
Obtaining Weapons
* Unable to simply just walk into Ammunation and buy a weapon, Niko has to search around in alleyways, back streets, basements, etc to obtain them.
* You can also buy ammunition separately.
* You have a friend named Little Jacob. Little Jacob sells the arms (9MM, SMG, Micro SMG) out of the trunk of his car for $100 a piece.
Physics of the Weapon System
* Shooting an enemy in the leg might cause them to fall and shooting them in the shoulder might disarm them
* The direction you attack an enemy from might also determine the result of your actions - creep up behind them and you should get an easy head shot, but take them on face to face and they could well flinch or duck out of the way.
* Melee Combat - You should be able to throw people into walls, furniture or even off rooftops so that they flail desperately to grab for the edge of a fire escape as they plummet to their doom.
* Shooting different parts of the body has different impacts (e.g shoot a security guard in the foot at the top of the stairs, and he'll come tumbling down.
* They have improved the target system with different hitzones on the body.
* Snipers are customizable. Not much is known on this subject.
GTA4 Audio
* The soundtrack will be music that fits the theme and mood, not just popular music from the time.
* When walking down the street all sounds blend in with each other - murmured gossip, train sounds, cars music and squealing tires all blend together perfectly.
* Rockstar North is currently working to implement something new based on the radio system. What it is? We have no idea.
* Unlike other GTAs, IV will have a lesser known voice cast and music that isn't distinctly popular or obvious to the 2007 settings. Expect many unsigned bands or indies to show up.
* When asked about custom soundtracks using your consoles hard drive, Dan Houser answered "Possibly".
Artists and Songs
* While driving through in the demo, Kikizo identified the song playing on the radio: Fela Kuti - Sorrow, Tears, and Blood.
* Arm In Arm by The Boggs was the song in the second trailer.
* Ruslana Lyzhicko has songs from her previous and latest album on IV.
* East Coast Rap and old school Rock is said to be in the game.
* 50's jazz music was playing in the car in a demo at E3.
Radio Stations
* WKTT - We Know the Truth -

Trailer 1: “Things Will Be Different”
Trailer 2: “Looking For That Special Someone”
Trailer 3: “Move Up, Ladies”