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Subject: The Adventures Of TINTIN
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Post at 9-7-2008 11:52 PM Profile Blog P.M.

The Adventures Of TINTIN

TINTIN - In America
Tintin in America is the twentieth volume in the Tintin series to be published in the United States. It brings the boy detective across the Atlantic for the first time to visit the New World of Chicago gangsters and Al Capone, the world of cowboys and Indians and the Wild West. Nothing daunted, Tintin and Snowy make their way thought hilarity and danger to yet another triumph of virtue over crime.

TINTIN - The Shooting Star
Tintin is out walking with his dog Snowy one night, and notices an extra star in the Great Bear. When he reaches home, he dials the Observatory. They say that they have the phenomenon under observation and hang up.
Tintin wonders why it is so hot, and opens the window. He sees that the star is getting bigger every minute. He walks to the Observatory, and, after some trouble, gets inside. He meets someone leaving who proclaims himself to be a prophet and tells him that "It is a Judgement! Woe!". Puzzled, he knocks. Receiving no answer, he enters the telescope room and sees two men seated at a small table. He asks for the Director of the Observatory.
It turns out that the heat was emanated from a burning rock of an unknown mineral composition and its impact on Earth was no more than an earthquake lasting a mere few seconds, and not the end of the world as prophesied by the first stranger that Tintin met when he enters the Observatory. After an analysis of a spectroscopic photo of the meteor, the Director (Professor Decimus Phostle) deduces that it is composed of an entirely new metal. Professor Phostle names this metal "Phostlite", but is dismayed to discover that the meteor has landed in the sea and therefore, presumably, is lost. Tintin, however, realises that the meteor could be protruding above the surface of the water, and the Professor is persuaded to organise an expedition led by himself to find the metal and to retrieve a sample of it for further research. The expedition consists of leading scientists, as well as Tintin, Snowy and Captain Haddock (ironically serving as president of the Society for Sober Sailors), aboard the trawler Aurora.
However, unknown to the Aurora expedition, another team has already set out, backed by a financier from São Rico by the name of Bohlwinkel aboard the polar expedition ship Peary. The expedition becomes a race to be the first to land on the meteor.
The Aurora expedition runs into its first setback in the Icelandic port of Akureyri, when Captain Haddock is informed that there is no fuel available. Despondent, he and Tintin have a drink in a local bar, where the Captain bumps into an old friend, Captain Chester. Chester reveals that there is plenty of fuel, and Tintin realises that the Golden Oil Company (which has a fuel monopoly) is owned by Bohlwinkel. The three of them devise a plan to run a hose from Chester's ship, Sirius, to the Aurora and thus trick Golden Oil into selling them the fuel they need.
When underway, they receive an indistinct distress call from a ship identified as Cithara. Tintin explains that it is a trick, a fact confirmed by the discovery that there is no such ship, and so they continue on their course.
Eventually, they spot the meteor up ahead - and the Peary expedition, which has arrived there first but not actually landed on the meteor. Tintin uses the ship's seaplane to parachute on to the meteor and plant the expedition flag. The Aurora expedition has won the race, and Tintin makes camp while the ship's over-exerted engines are repaired.
While camping, Tintin discovers the remarkable properties of Phostlite. His apple core instantly grows into an enormous tree full of oversized apples, and a maggot turns into a massive butterfly. Tintin is menaced by a giant spider and huge, exploding mushrooms before rescue arrives. The young reporter and Snowy retrieve a rock sample and jump to safety as the rock sinks into the sea.
The triumphant expedition's return is reported on the radio, along with the news that law enforcement agencies are closing on Bohlwinkel. As they prepare to dock, the Captain announces that they are short on one vital commodity.


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