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Subject: How to - install 3rd software using DM
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Post at 9-5-2010 10:55 AM Profile P.M.
Can anyone help me?
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Registered 12-5-2010
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Post at 12-5-2010 03:25 PM Profile P.M.
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Post at 12-5-2010 03:34 PM Profile P.M.
to put  jad or jar files on just plug in your blackberry using usb cable and make sure your media card is in and set to storage mode do that in  options-advance -mediacard can choose storage mode
then put ur files in unplug blackberry from pc go to its menu and choose menu explore mediacard choose your file and run it  double click to do hope this helps

media card should show a group of folders when connected to pc

they are

when placing your jad/jar dont place inside any of the folders leave it seprate its easier to find
everying else should be place in the folders
like the music and pictures

to add anything thats in alx or cod
use the desktop manager software
choosing the blackberry to always use storage mode dosnt affect the desktop manager use
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Registered 15-5-2010
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Post at 15-5-2010 05:34 PM Profile P.M.
thank you.

thank you.
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Registered 21-6-2010
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Post at 10-7-2010 07:36 AM Profile P.M.

A lot of the applications I download are .cod fles and are not recognized. How do I get them to be .alx files so that I can instsll them.
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Post at 8-8-2010 02:58 AM Profile P.M.
No .alx file???

What if I have only .Cod and .Jad files??
DM and app loader cant see those files.
Anybody can post non geek and stupid proof reply??
I have first blackberry ever, loving it but I cant really understand google guides.
So help pls!!!!!

Right after more digging I have following:
"I've explained this quite a few times in these forums. Here is one of them.
This one also has a tutorial on making .alx files if you don't have one

First extract your downloaded package then do as I explained in thread below.

for .alx/.cod files

1st Extract to a folder on you PC.

-Open Desktop Manager
-Click on application loader
-Under Add or Remove Programs click on start
-Under application list click "browse".  Browse to where you extracted your alx/cod package
-Select the .alx file
-click ok >> next >> finish

App will be installed. Go into your phone and move the Icon (under downloads if you have no theme installed or straight on the app screen if you do) to what ever folder you want

for .jad/.cod packages

-Make sure Mass storage is enabled under options >> memory
-Connect your Phone to you PC using your USB cable.
-ignore the driver install window that may pop up (click cancel when able).
-Open My Computer (XP) or Computer (Vista)
-You'll notice your Blackberry will read like a usb Hard drive or Flash Disk. (files/folders on Micro sd
             card will be displayed when you open it)
-Open it and copy the extracted package to any folder
-Disconnect your Blackberry from your PC.
-Open media on your blackberry device
-Push the menu button (the one left of the trackball/pad). Select Explore
-Browse to where you copied the .jad/.cod package (under media card)
-click on the .jad file (the one around 1 to 4 kb)
-Select download and the game will install
Installing .jad/.cod packages and/or making .alx files

I've been asked and answered how to to this a few times

Basically attach the phone to your PC and make sure Make sure Mass Storage Mode is on
under options >> memory on your blackberry device

The phone will read like a normal USB Hdd.
Copy the .jad /.cod package to any folder on your phone. Disconnect your phone when you're done

with OS 4.6
Open Media, Push the Blackberry button (left of the touchpad) and select explore.

with OS 5.0
Open the applications folder and click on Files

Browse to where you copied the .cod / .jad package and click on the .jad file to install.

Alternatively you can make a .alx file for your .cod file/s
open notepad and type the following html code.

<loader version="1.0">
<application id="Game Name/ID">
<name>Game Name</name>
<description>ALXmake V1.0 make</description>
<copyright>Copyright Ubisosf</copyright>
<fileset Java="1.25">
<directory />
Game Cod file1.cod
Game Cod file 2.cod (if you have more than one .cod file)

Save as Game name.alx
type "All files"

There are apps that can do this as well. Check the software section (Sorry can't remember where)

Make sure your .alx and .cod files are in the same directory then install using desktop manager.

Open application loader >> Under Load/Delete applications click start >> Click Browse
Browse to where you extracted or copied the .alx/.cod package >>
Click next >> Click finish

Visit the following thread for more info

Thanks for the authors =)
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Registered 19-8-2010
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Post at 19-8-2010 02:45 AM Profile P.M.
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Registered 16-9-2010
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Post at 17-9-2010 05:23 AM Profile P.M.
cool ty
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Registered 16-8-2010
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Post at 27-9-2010 09:26 PM Profile P.M.
tanks very much!
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Registered 23-9-2010
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Post at 28-9-2010 08:55 AM Profile P.M.
thank you for telling :D

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