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Subject: Errors syncing the BB with Desktop Manager
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Post at 23-11-2007 02:41 AM Profile Blog P.M.

Errors syncing the BB with Desktop Manager

Potential ConflictThe error may refer to a specific record that would not sync, or is causing the problem. If you don't know which record, look the log of the Desktop Manager sync to find it.
A contact in Outlook, ACT!, Lotus Notes, or Lotus Organizer does not contain information in any of the following fields:
First Name, Last Name, OR Company Name
Resolution 1Populate one or more of the above fields in the contact entry or delete the blank entry in the PIM application on the computer. A contact name could also have a strange ASCII character.
From within Outlook, if you go to View>Arrange By>Current View>By Category the contacts will be listed in a row/column format. If you then sort by Full Name, you'll see all contact missing both the first and last name. You can even use the field chooser by right clicking on a column header, then clicking field chooser, which will cause a window to appear with different column headings that are available. Simply drag and drop the First Name, then the Last Name fields into the column header row and they'll become a part of the current view.
From here, you'll just want to make sure that at minimum you have at least one letter/number (avoid punctuation and symbols) in at least one of the two Name fields (First or Last), then sync and you should be all set. The key is to have a value in the Full Name field (which is built by the First and Last).
Resolution 2Upgrade to BlackBerry Desktop Software 4.2 Service Pack 1 or later. BlackBerry Desktop Software 4.2 Service Pack 2 or later will skip the affected contact records, but only if the contact does not have an email address. If the contact contains an email address, it will be successfully synchronized even if the First Name, Last Name, and Company fields are blank.
A calendar entry could be the fault:Calendar entries with attachments can't sync. Change your view in calendar to only show entries with attachments and delete the attachment.
Open calendar in outlook - choose view, arrange by and current view then customize current view. Choose Filters, then the tab for more options and choose "only items with" and choose attachments.


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