A few tips on how to remain healthy while dieting
A well-balanced diet could help lots of people get rid of their excesive weight

Maintaining the perfect nutrient equilibrium inside the body while dieting is the key to losing weight in a "sustainable" way – that is to say, the pounds will stay off even after the diet is completed. Knowing exactly how to balance various substances inside the body, so as to keep a good metabolic rate and not to adversely affect other organs, is a significant advantage when trying to lose weight.
Most modern diets focus on low carbohydrate quantities. This can work at times, but often it can do more damage than good. This class of substances is the main fuel for the human body, so, while not having it may lead to a loss in weight, it may also cause adverse effects on the muscles and the brain, as most glucose, the food of the brain, is derived from starch, found in cereals, potatoes and the likes.
Also, proteins are very important in any diet. As a matter of fact, they are essential all the time, as they provide the body with new genetic material, to be used for repairs and tissue regeneration. If, during the diet, the amounts of proteins are insufficient inside the body, then it may be possible for the person trying to lose weight to experience increased wound healing times and other such symptoms.
Vitamins and mineral salts are very important to the human body. While the first are only required in very small quantities, the latter are needed to repair teeth, bones, nails and muscles. The lack of these salts and vitamins can cause falling of hair and nails, bone softening and muscular "glitches." All of this can be avoided if vitamin and mineral salt sources are not completely removed from the diet menu.
Many published diets emphasize the role of fibers in losing weight. Indeed, fibers are not readily absorbed by our digestive system, but rather they help it process the amount of food patients undergoing diets eat. More fibers mean that more food is processed in less time. This means less energy gets to the cells, and the metabolism needs to kick in new ways of obtaining glucose. This is usually done by starting to burn the fat cells that make up the mass people are trying to get rid off.
While some diets may promise and even deliver great results, such as losing several pounds every week, people should always be aware of what makes the diet work – for instance, if it works by depriving the body of carbohydrates or by forcing the metabolism to process fat cells. Understanding how these treatments work could spare some people of the extremely long recovery period that usually follows an unfit diet.
The effects a poorly-calibrated diet can have on people are far reaching. Once the metabolism is affected, so will be everything related to it, as in, every cell in the human body. The brain ca be supplied by both glucose and other fuels, derived from muscles, and switching from one to another too often may cause some damage or one of the methods to fail.
The way people might want to go is to ask a dietitian about what diet to follow and for how long. Nutrition experts know exactly what effects certain foods will have on different metabolism types and how long to keep up the treatment. Always ask a professional before starting a diet and never start one of your own accord, without at least consulting a book.