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How to Configure Full Internet Access On BlackBerry
How to Configure Full Internet Access On BlackBerry
You are interested, if you want to do any of the following, especially if you are an individual prosumer rather than a big corporate user: - Run BES-required Internet software without BES!
- Instant Messaging, AIM, ICQ, MSN (Verichat, WebMessenger, BerryVine, IM+, etc.)
- Full HTML web browsing ability (Reqwireless, BlackBerry Browser, etc.)
- IRC chatting (virca, wlirc, etc.)
- telnet/ssh (Idokorro, etc.)
- No BES needed! No MDS needed!
Easy 1-2-3 Instructions: - Upgrade your BlackBerryOS
You need BlackBerry with OS 3.8 or later. If you have an older version of BlackBerryOS, please Download BlackBerryOS 4.0 and install it on your BlackBerry first.
. - Configure your BlackBerry & Your Carrier
On the BlackBerry handheld, go to Options -> TCP
There is a new option in BlackBerryOS 3.8 and later. Then fill in APN with the provided APN listead in the below post, that is appropriate for your carrier. If no username or password is provided, leave these blank. If only a username is provided, then leave in the password. Also, ignore the Gateway IP address, unless your Blackberry specifically has a textbox to enter the IP address in. "APN" means "Access Point Name". Once you have saved the APN information, you should reboot your BlackBerry by removing and reinserting the battery.
. - Run your BlackBerry Internet Software
Once you have filled this information, your Internet applications should work on your BlackBerry. TCP/IP makes Internet software work, including chat software: Verichat, WebMessenger, IRC, Telnet/SSH, Web browsing, etc.
Occasionally, some applications on the BlackBerry need to have the gateway or APN information entered directly into them. This is not common.
BlackBerry TCP/IP Configuration Success Reports - Nextel/Telus - iDEN - Has TCP/IP
No APN/TCP settings required on iDEN units including 65XX, 75XX and 7100i. They are special because they are iDEN and more native TCP/IP. After a new BlackBerry activation, you may need to wait 2 business days before third party Internet software such as VeriChat works. In the past, it was necessary to call Nextel to order the static IP address option (about $4/month), but now a static IP address appears to be included with BlackBerries by default.
. - Rogers - Has TCP/IP
Go to Options->TCP
Username/password is blank
Note: If this does not work, call Rogers and get the " Access Point Name" added to your account. If they say it already exists, tell them to load up the records anyway, just to doublecheck.
. - T-Mobile - Has TCP/IP
Go to Options->TCP (or Tools->TCP)
Username: (blank)
Password: (blank)
Note: T-Mobile has fixed the port-blocking issue - see this post for more info. In rare cases, it is reported you may need to enter your T-Mobile username and password, the same information used for logging into ... If it still does not work properly, just call T-Mobile (call after Feburary 11th, 2005), and ask them to get the " Internet Access Point Name" added to your BlackBerry account at no extra charge.
. - Cingular Orange - Has TCP/IP
Go to Options->TCP
APN: wap.cingular
Password: CINGULAR1
Formerly, it used to be difficult to get this to work on Cingular but in December 2005, a new Internet Browser Icon suddenly appeared on Cingular BlackBerry units. When this happened, it also suddenly became easier to use Cingular BlackBerry with TCP/IP. If you are still having problems, please click here.
.- Cingular Blue - Has TCP/IP
Go to Options->TCP
APN: proxy
Username: (blank)
Password: (blank)
Try using these settings if you are on the former AT&T network, instead of the Cingular settings.
. - Verizon - Has TCP/IP
Newer models including 7250 and 7130 now has a TCP/IP stack, no configuration is needed. Many third party Internet applications work out of the box on it! However, the older 6750 and 7750 models will NOT work with TCP/IP.
.- Telus - CDMA - Has Partial TCP/IP
Recently, in late 2005, this feature got activated on newer Telus units. Newer models including 7250 now has a TCP/IP stack, no configuration is needed. However, there seems to be blocking for certain applications such as IM. Several third party Internet applications work out of the box on it! However, the older 6750 and 7750 models will NOT work with TCP/IP.
. - Bell Mobility
- Does NOT Work; Need MDS hosting
Unfortunately, none of the Bell Mobility BlackBerries have a TCP/IP stack enabled. Not even the 7250. A future BlackBerryOS may fix this, or Bell Mobility might enable the feature in the future. No timeline known. For now, get BES/MDS Hosting in order to make 3rd party Internet applications work. (Note: Some applications such as IM+ will work on Bell Moblity if configuring using WAP/gateway/APN settings listed below. See this post)
. - Sprint - Unknown; Might Work
Unknown. There is enough TCP/IP functionality in BlackBerryOS or later, for software such as Verichat and Berry411 to work. This BlackBerryOS is preinstalled on the model 7250. Some software such as Reqwireless Emailviewer will require you to input gateway IP address information (See below). For the best TCP/IP support, you must use BES/MDS. You will need to pay $10 to $25 extra per month for BES/MDS Hosting in order to gain access to the Internet and TCP/IP software.
[ Last edited by bb818 at 25-11-2007 18:06 ]