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Subject: anyone heard any new news about flash coming to blackberry?
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Post at 2-1-2009 12:11 AM Profile P.M.

anyone heard any new news about flash coming to blackberry?

ive been looking everywhere for new articles to see if they are any closer to getting flash onto blackerrys or even if there is going to be any aftermarket player that could handle fash content. please let me know if you found anything good to read

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Post at 2-1-2009 12:23 PM Profile P.M.
good post!

It would be awesome


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Post at 16-7-2009 10:07 AM Profile P.M.
Ohhh yes

Yes, but you have to wait. The problem is that FIRST RIM has to make a licencse deal to use Flash or better said the mobile version which already exsist Flash Lite. This Flash Lite is avaliable nearly to all OS... only not for the Blackberry omfg. Anyway, RIM has to do SECOND changes in Blackberry Browser and other programs which takes long time.

So in my opinion the Flash Lite come in the end of 2009 :D only 4.5 months left yepppii :P

OK i hope this was enough for the moment ^^

Greetings and sry, like always, for my bad english
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Post at 25-7-2009 07:00 AM Profile P.M.
i think skyfire is workin on it, they said it shoud be out in the summer
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Post at 30-7-2009 06:47 AM Profile P.M.
Flash or flash lite as its called is the only thing missing from my bold
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Post at 31-7-2009 10:44 PM Profile P.M.
Flash just isn't suitable for mobile phones at this time; it's too demanding on the hardware. If rendering speed is the top priority, look at the Bolt browser as well. It's fast and based on the Webkit platform (Same as the iPhone and Android browsers).
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Post at 16-9-2009 12:45 PM Profile P.M.
  great post def needs flash and theI'll be set!

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