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Subject: beans lower than 0?
Rank: 1

Registered 31-12-2008
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Post at 22-1-2009 11:51 AM Profile P.M.

beans lower than 0?

what are beans? when i click a download link from a post, it goes to a page that has a me4ssage about beans being lower than zero so download not permitted. i havent understood this - please help.

i have searched the whole site and found lot about credits, promote etc. but nothing about beans.

Rank: 4

Medal No.3 Medal No.8 Medal No.10
Registered 23-8-2008
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Post at 22-1-2009 01:41 PM Profile P.M.
ahhhh they changed the word credits to beans.  upload some stuff and promote and your beans should go up



Registered 9-10-2008
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Post at 30-1-2009 12:16 PM Profile P.M.
Here we go with these hoops to jump through again.

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