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Subject: Installing SO 8100
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Post at 9-2-2009 01:49 PM Profile P.M.

Installing SO 8100

Hi now I´m installing the 4.5 OS version for my blackberyy pearl 8100, the process started 1 hour and 47 minutes ago and it isn´t finished yet, it´s in Loading Ram Image and no change since the first minute, the blakcberry is connect to the pc and it´s normal? how many time I will wait?
Sorry for my english

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Post at 16-2-2009 06:27 AM Profile P.M.
I've reloaded the OS on my 8100 several times. The time it has taken me was varied. Anywhere from 45 mins to an hour. I'd say the max would be 3 hours.


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Post at 16-2-2009 08:59 AM Profile Blog P.M.
I estimate that the installation of the software may be caused by too much, I suggest you delete useless election procedures, and then re-install OS
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Post at 25-2-2009 09:23 PM Profile P.M.
i can talk good the inglish but is necesarry delete de vendor.xml file to after the instalation o backup de SO
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Post at 3-3-2009 01:18 PM Profile P.M.
try to:
first delete the vendor.xml

then run the update directly from application loader( that is from the ProgramFile/CommonFiles/RIM/etc. just look it there)

the time it takes depends on the pre-installed applications with the new OS (you can delete some just google on the net for guides on how to make BB pearl Faster)

also the time it takes to delete all installed apps affects somehow

mostly, after OS instal, what takes longer is loading the backup especially if the backup contains too much data and/or have too many applications with it like game infos/saves/etc/ somehow before installing new OS for fresher and faster install, choose delete all apps in the advance tab.

you may also want to try using Crackmem for safer /easier way on eliminating unnecessary pre installed applications.
heres Crackmem

hope this helps

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