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Subject: Hospital Sokoban for 71xx/81xx
Rank: 2

Registered 10-12-2008
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Post at 23-3-2009 02:26 AM Profile P.M.

Hospital Sokoban for 71xx/81xx

SOKOBAN HOSPITAL is a modern adaptation of the classic SOKOBAN where you have to push several objects to their right places. The game has 100 different phases which will rack your brains until you find the solution. The excellent graphics will take you to an authentic hospital. SOKOBAN HOSPITAL, the classic returns.

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Rank: 2

Registered 10-12-2008
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Post at 23-3-2009 02:28 AM Profile P.M.
Hospital Sokoban for 81xx

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Rank: 1

Registered 15-4-2009
Credits 1
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Post at 15-4-2009 04:56 AM Profile P.M.
a game that bring old memories~


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