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Post at 16-4-2009 06:23 AM Profile P.M.


id love to try it

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Registered 18-10-2008
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Post at 16-4-2009 10:19 AM Profile Blog P.M.

Originally posted by texasaussie at 16-4-2009 06:23 AM
id love to try it

Dude i don't mean to be rude, but why are you spamming the site with so many post that have nothing in them, You and others should not do this, because it just makes the forum messy and then we also have all these post with nothing in them, there are so many like these on the games section, I hope that a mod can step in and clean up/delete any post that are not relevant or have not games on them. This is just my own opinion, please dont be offended.Thanks


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