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Subject: Sunburn Relief - Home Remedies
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Post at 28-12-2007 12:59 AM Profile Blog P.M.

Sunburn Relief - Home Remedies

It's that time of year again¡­the time we are relaxing and basking in the sun. Unfortunately, many times, we arenn¡¯t protected properly against the sun¡¯s damaging (UV) ultraviolet rays. Sunburn is a result of excessive exposure to those ultraviolet rays. There are two kinds of UV rays, both of which are very harmful. The skin¡¯s outer layers are effected and damaged by one kind and the other kinds damages the skin¡¯s underlying layers. When we are near water, the sun¡¯s rays are reflected and this intensifies the severity of a sunburn. Most sunburns are considered first degree burns. However, severe sunburns can be classified as second or third degree burns.

Thankfully, there are home remedies that are readily available and easy to use.

Cool cloths laid on the sunburned areas may provide some mild sunburn relief. For a cool compress, soak a washcloth in equal parts of milk and water.

Take cool showers as often as possible. If you prefer a bath, soak in cool water with oatmeal or baking soda added. Lotions that contain aloe vera can sometimes sooth a sunburn. If your sunburn is accompanied by pain and swelling, a 1% hydrocortisone cream may help with these symptoms. Caution parents: do not use the hydrocortisone cream on a child younger than age 2 without permission from your pediatrician.

Chamomile is said to have healing properties in the area of sunburn relief. Use diluted chamomile in warm water or brew it into a tea. Use a sponge to apply to the sunburned area. Lavender essential oil is also said to be helpful in relieving the affects of sunburned skin when it is combined with one teaspoon of vegetable oil and then smoothed over the effected areas. Another home remedy is to cut open a raw potato and use the juice to spread on the sunburned skin.

Sunburns can cause a mild fever and headaches in some people. Dehydration is usually the culprit, so drink as much water as possible. If these symptoms apply to you, relax in a cool and quiet room to see if the headache will subside. If you prefer to take a medication, over the counter medicines include Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

Never break open any blisters that develop. Always watch for any signs of a skin infection if you decide to administer sunburn relief through home remedies. Signs to look for include red streaks extending from the affected area or prolonged swelling around the area. If you observe pus draining from any blisters, or have swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin, consider seeing your physician.

Other symptoms to watch for are trouble with vision after getting out of the sun, nausea or vomiting starting or increasing, a rash, swelling of the face, or hives. If any of these symptoms develop, you should see your physician.

During the healing time, to prevent chafing on the sunburned area, use a moisturizer or light powder to smooth those areas where skin rubs against skin. Unfortunately, once the skin begins to heal, there isn¡¯t much that can be done to stop the skin from peeling. However, itching can be moderately controlled with calamine lotion.


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