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Subject: (HELP)Bold Restarted when Calls Come??
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Post at 21-4-2009 02:13 AM Profile P.M.

(HELP)Bold Restarted when Calls Come??

My Father have a blackberry Bold, and usually restarted when calls come.
Does anyone knows the solution?? Please Help!!!

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Post at 30-4-2009 12:18 PM Profile P.M.
run  application launcher from desktop manager and see if any files are corrupted. your best bet is to update your device to the newest software release.

good luck


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Post at 11-5-2009 06:11 AM Profile P.M.
There are many possibilities for the thing to happen. So, you can:
1. check all third party application. See if there's any third party that is clashing with the phone.
2. just like insecterx13, you can just upgrade your firmware. For bold, the latest firmware is

Be warned, as of now, do not uprade your firmware to 5.0. There are too many problems that is not worth your trouble.
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Post at 11-5-2009 07:46 AM Profile P.M.
It's also important to know which firmware your father is using.
perhaps he's running a beta/unstable version?

I recommend backing up important info and just wiping the handset and maybe try running .247.
Most stable FW I've used so far.
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Post at 14-5-2009 03:53 PM Profile Blog P.M.
Other reasons why this could happen is if you are running beta release of OS or an OS that was not released by your vendor or RIM. Try to stick with a official OS. Also sometimes this is know to happen if you install an OS that is not from your vendor even if you delete the .xml file. Not saying this is the reason but have seen this happen because of the above especially on the pearl.

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