In this article, I will discuss the process of implementing your BlackBerry as a modem. I will make note of all the required files and equipment and link to as many resources as possible to ensure you have all the information necessary to take on this task yourself. while the concept of using the BlackBerry as a modem itself is straight forward, the process involved has quite a few nuances unique to various model/carrier combinations.
Sit back, take a deep breath and lets get into it! |  |
Required items and software
BlackBerry Smartphones
The first thing you will need to have on hand is a BlackBerry smartphone. Various models of BlackBery are available; however, not all models include “tethered modem functionality”. The following list includes all BlackBerry models that will perform as a modem when tethered to a laptop.
* BlackBerry 7130c
* BlackBerry 7130e
* BlackBerry 7250
* BlackBerry Curve 8300
* BlackBerry Curve 8310
* BlackBerry Curve 8320
* BlackBerry 8703e
* BlackBerry 8705g
* BlackBerry 8707g
* BlackBerry 8800
* BlackBerry 8820
* BlackBerry 8830 World Edition
Cables and Software
In order to utilize your BlackBerry as a modem you will need to have a USB cable connected and have the BlackBerry Handheld Manager installed on your laptop. The BlackBerry Handheld Manager is a component of the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software. In order to initialize the BlackBerry Handheld Manager, simply activate the Desktop Manager software. The BlackBerry Handheld Manager will now be running in the background.
Most versions of the BlackBerry Desktop will have shipped with the necessary modem drivers installed. In the event that you do not have a set of modem drivers installed with your current BlackBerry desktop, you will need to either install them manually or download the latest release of the BlackBerry Desktop Software.
The Set Up
Verifying your Modem Configuration:
Once you have made sure that you have all of the essential items listed above, it is time to verify that your set up is complete. This includes verifying that your modem driver exists and is functioning correctly. This step requires going into the control panel settings of your BlackBerry and configuring specific properties related to your chosen provider.
Adding a New Internet Connection:
The next step in the process is to add a new internet connection within your laptop. This connection will be reserved for internet usage via the BlackBerry as modem only. Set up this new internet connection like any other, the process will vary depending on if you are using Windows XP or Vista.
If you are having issues, simply perform a Google search for the term “new internet connection” plus the OS you are using. Additionally you will have to enter some carrier specific details when assigning the required usernames and passwords.
Disabling the IP Header Compression:
It is important to disable IP header compression along with disabling hardware flow control, modem error control and modem compression. These can be disabled by following these simple steps:
1. Start Menu->Network Connections->”BlackBerry Modem”
2. Click Properties Button
3. Click Networking Tab
4. Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”
5. Click Properties Button
6. Click Advanced… Button
7. Disable “Use IP header compression” checkbox
8. Click all OK buttons to close all dialogs
Configuring your BES:
If you have your BlackBerry service set up through a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, you will need to contact your Exchange hosting provider and ask that they enable the “BlackBerry IPModem” setting on the BES. This setting was introduced in Version 4.0 of BES.
Fire up your Laptop and get to surfing:
Once you have your BlackBerry and laptop configured using the steps laid out here and in the information contained in the BlackBerry Forum post, you are ready to begin surfing. Simply connect the BlackBerry to your Laptop via USB, run the BlackBerry Desktop Software and click on the BlackBerry Modem icon in your list of available network connections. You will now be surfing the web at broadband speeds using nothing more than your BlackBerry for your internet connection.