Registered 18-10-2008
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Psarakia (81xx, 8220, 83xx, 87xx, 88xx, 8900, 9000)
• Game Objective:
Make horizontal or vertical pairs of two and more same fish. You
can see the frozen fish ice cubes; defrost them by breaking the ice!

• Gameplay:
Break the ice of each fish group, by holding the pen down on the
screen and moving it on each fish without letting go. The ice will
break and the fish will appear. After a while the pairs will be
calculated and the points & life earned.
• Meters:
When the temperature meter on the left:
1) Empties: You lose. 2) Fills: Level Up!
You can fill the combo meter and gain more life only if additional
pairs are made without any tapping just after pairs are done. There
are three different modes: EASY, HARD and MEMORY mode.
1) You lose life every second.
2) If defrost fish are not made pairs fast after a while they freeze
and then become ice cubes as it was before.
3) It is a lot more difficult.
There are 12 different pairs of fish which are hidden. You can see
2 fish of your choice at a time. The idea is to find the pairs. Pair
bonus: This item gives you life bonus, multiplied by the pairs of
fish you have found at that time.
Game Description Obtained From (
*** Next Game Release (Croker) For 81xx, 8220, 83xx, 87xx, 88xx, 8900, 9000
The are 5 cards open. Flip the cards you want to replace by clicking on them and on the button ‘Deal’. The more you flip the more life you lose. Once you life is over the game ends.
*** Up Coming Game Release (Zeus Quest) For 81xx, 8220, 83xx, 87xx, 88xx, 8900, 9000
***If You Like This Game, Support The Developer And BUY It.
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