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Subject: marbel maniac (9500,9530)

Registered 1-5-2009
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Post at 8-6-2009 10:13 AM Profile P.M.

marbel maniac (9500,9530)

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Registered 29-5-2009
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Post at 8-6-2009 01:53 PM Profile P.M.
Grazie grazie grazie!!!!!!!! Davvero bello sto gioco!


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Registered 18-10-2008
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Post at 8-6-2009 01:56 PM Profile Blog P.M.
Dude you are my hero, I love this game, actaully I love bust a move or puzzle bubble its called in some countires and also I love puzzle-de-pon but not a lot of people have heard of that game. Thanks again
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Post at 8-6-2009 09:05 PM Profile Blog P.M.
Great game but not Storm specific si you will have ti turn on compatabilty mode after you install. The space bar is to shot and the 4 and 6 is to move that would be the DF and JK keys. So half of the screen will be a keyboard but the top half that is the game does not fill the entire screen there is like a blue border on the edges but its not that big of a deal if you like thr game. Thanks again for sharing
Rank: 1

Registered 7-6-2009
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Post at 8-6-2009 09:21 PM Profile P.M.
Thank you for sharing!!

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