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JVM Error 102 - Step by Step Fix
JVM Error 102 - Step by Step Fix
Last month, I experienced my first JVM 102 error. After I got over the initial shock of not having my BB on my upcoming road trip, I turned to Pinstack for help. Although I was able to find everything I needed to correct the problem and get my BB back, I did have to reference several different feeds in order to complete the task.
The following is my attempt to compile all of the threads into one useful thread to help everyone correct their JVM 102 errors and get up and running again sooner:
Step 1
Very Important!!!!
It is important to have the following software installed on your computer (at home and at work if you can):
1 - Desktop Manager - Hopefully this is already on your computer, if not click here:
2 - Device Software for your BB – Here is the link for you to get the latest OS for your Blackberry (see post #1 from Hayden):
Blackberry OS Software links (by carrier)
3 – Java Commander – You can download it here:
4 - Backups – You should be creating a backup of your device data regularly, e.g., as often as you update your calendar and/or phone book, or at least once a month. If you do not already have a data backup, you are out of luck (SOL) as your data is gone.
The Process
From Pinstacker JTReeves:
You should be creating a backup of your device data regularly, e.g., as often as you update your calendar and/or phone book.
If or when you get a JVM Error 102/Reset message, do the following:
1. Connect your BB to the computer.
2. Run JL_Cmder
3. Choose option 5, wipe the device. This will delete all files - OS and data - from your BB. The BB screen will show JVM Error 507. This means the BB has no files installed.
4. Using Desktop Manager, reinstall your software. When you run the Application Loader, check all the available boxes.
5. When this process completes, restore your most recent backup file.
You should be back to normal, with the exception of having to reregister OTA or other 3rd party apps. Save their reg numbers in your Memo app so that you have them handy.
Here is the full link that his process was taken from (Post #31):
BB solution: JVM error 102
And here are some other links to threads relating to the JVM 102 Error
jvm error 523 - Need help
BB solution: JVM error 102
For those of you who have a problem reinstalling the Operating System when the Computer doesn’t recognize the Device is connected – please refer to this link (Post #1):
How To: ReInstall OS When Computer Won't Recognize The Device Is Connected
If you follow these instructions, you should be back up and running within an hour or two. What will take you a while is re-loading third party software (Google Maps, Berry 411, etc.). If you have a lot of software on your BB, you have to re-load each one of them separately.
Good luck and I hope this helps.