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Subject: TopoExplorer (updated July 6)
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Post at 6-7-2009 04:44 AM Profile Blog P.M.

TopoExplorer (updated July 6)

With TopoExplorer you will discover your surroundings on topographic maps even in remote areas assisted by GPS and without the need of the wireless network connection.

Offline Maps - No wireless network connection needed.
Shows GPS position in different coordinate systems.
Large map support from memory card.
Free map packs cover most areas already.
Detailed map packs for more detailed coverage.
TopoExplorer works worldwide!

Free of charge: TopoExplorer is available for free - download.
Moving map navigation: Easy map navigation with sophisticated trackball control.
GPS location on map: The device's current GPS location is shown on the map and can be visualized in three coordinate formats for professional usage.
Automatical map selection: The best map for your location is selected automatically.
On-Device maps: Map packs are stored on the device's memory card only. No internet connection / data plan is required.
Free map packs:
World wide satellite map (blue marble).

Additional Map Packs
TopoExplorer can handle different map packages. The free TopoExplorer comes with a set of free maps which can be used to explore the application's potential. More map packs have been processed, converted and optimized for the usage on mobile devices.

Current Coverage
1:24,000 (7.5 minute) USGS maps for the United States of America .
Separate map packages available per state - covering 99.99% of the US.
1:50,000 - 1:1,000,000 maps for the whole world, even remote areas.

Technical Details
Built-in GPS receiver (via JSR-179 location API).
External Bluetooth GPS receiver. Any Bluetooth GPS receiver should work. » recommendations
Supported Devices:
8110, 8130, 8310, 8330, 8350i, 8800, 8820, 8830, 8900, 9000, 9500, 9530 with activated internal GPS.
8100, 8120, 8220, 8300, 8320 with external Bluetooth GPS receiver.
Installed Micro SD-Card.

TopoExplorer Update:
- improved GPS support
- improved map management

New Map Packs:
- Africa - the whole continent, 1:500.000 topographic maps ... Map-Pack-p-228.html
- South America - the whole continent, 1:500.000 topographic maps ... Map-Pack-p-227.html

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Rank: 2

Medal No.3
Registered 25-11-2008
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Post at 8-7-2009 11:10 AM Profile P.M.

Originally posted by huiman1 at 6-7-2009 04:44 AM
With TopoExplorer you will discover your surroundings on topographic maps even in remote areas assisted by GPS and without the need of the wireless network connection.

Offline Maps - No wireless netw ...

Unfortunately they charge for the maps.  Hopefully map packs will show up eventually though.

Thanks for posting though.


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