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Subject: .jad files
Rank: 1

Registered 11-7-2009
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Post at 11-7-2009 04:24 PM Profile P.M.

.jad files

Incase you are not familiar, install JAD files is quite simple.

Simply insert your memory card into your computer. Make a new folder 'apps' in the main directory.
From there you copy your .JAD flash game.

Insert the card into your phone, go to  your media player.

Click the blackberry button and hit EXPLORE.

Then go to the 'apps' folder and hit INSTALL.

there you go.

Rank: 1

Registered 25-4-2009
Credits 8
Posts 36
Reading Access 10
Status Offline
Post at 8-8-2009 04:52 AM Profile P.M.


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