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Subject: Gis Bundchen Is A Financial Genius [Print This Page]

Author: bb818    Time: 6-11-2007 09:34 AM     Subject: Gis Bundchen Is A Financial Genius

Gis Bundchen demanded to be paid in euros for her recent Pantene campaign. Her reason? The dollar is at an all-time low against the euro and the pound.

The dollar plummeted to its lowest ever last week against the euro, Canadian dollar, Chinese yuan and the cheapest in 26 years against the British pound.

Her manager and sister, Patricia Bundchen, said, "Contracts starting now are more attractive in euros because we don't know what will happen to the dollar."

Gis reportedly makes around $30 million a year for standing around and letting people take pictures of her.  

I feel so robbed. I'm not going to look at a $1 bill the same way again. Oh, how it has betrayed me. That being said, Gis seems ok with living in America, fucking American dudes and yet American money isn't good enough for her? Yeah, I'm with her. Let's move to Sweden!

Oh and I doubt bitch came up with that herself. She doesn't know currency, she only knows American Express

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