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Subject: How to maximize battery power [Print This Page]

Author: bb818    Time: 28-11-2007 12:02 AM     Subject: How to maximize battery power

Battery power can be maximized by following these simple suggestions.
Some common shortcuts include the following:
To set the Auto On/Off option on the BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps:
  1. On the Home screen, open Options.
  2. Select Auto On/Off.
  3. Specify the on and off times.
Tip: Set the BlackBerry smartphone to turn on just before you need to use it, (such as a few minutes before you wake up in the morning) so that the BlackBerry smartphone has a chance to receive the email messages sent to you during the time that the BlackBerry smartphone was turned off. This way, the email messages have already been received when you are ready to read them.
To turn the Bluetooth connection off on the BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps:
  1. On the Home screen, open Manage Connections.
  2. Click Bluetooth.
Note: Using Manage Connections, turn the mobile wireless transceiver off when you know you are out of range of the mobile network. Turning the mobile wireless transceiver off prevents the BlackBerry smartphone from continually attempting to locate the mobile network, which uses a lot of battery power.

Author: thesickest    Time: 17-1-2008 11:54 AM

i have noticed with the pearl that by keeping it in the sleeve that it comes with (with the embedded magnet) that i get twice the battery life than just a standard case because it goes off when it is in the case and i think it goes into some kind of ultra low power mode or something. It just works.
Author: abhikesbhat    Time: 8-6-2008 01:58 PM

me too the sickest.
Author: firerock    Time: 11-6-2008 11:19 AM     Subject: Reply #1 bb818's post

Good tips...but I've got a question.

If I set my BB to off at night, does it mean the phone gets completely shut down?  Or only the email function got turned off?  I still want people to find me if there's an emergency at night and I also use my phone as my alarm clock.

Author: abhikesbhat    Time: 20-6-2008 07:41 AM

in hischool she was the girl who made me hula hoop around the gym
Author: Just2good4u3434    Time: 24-6-2008 01:47 PM

THank you!!
Author: abhikesbhat    Time: 24-6-2008 02:34 PM

i kinda own the forum
Author: adikoni    Time: 19-9-2008 11:13 AM     Subject: Great Post

I would add to change the brightness in options
Author: berrymanz    Time: 24-9-2008 12:25 PM

thanks for this info!!!
Author: enyx    Time: 25-9-2008 10:19 AM

these are common sense tips if you think about it.
Author: adikoni    Time: 26-9-2008 05:22 PM     Subject: lol @ enyx

Thanx Captain Obvious!
Can you think of better ways to preserve power?

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