Subject: Backup Third Party Applications [Print This Page] Author:
jake Time: 1-1-2008 10:13 PM Subject: Backup Third Party Applications
1- Download and install the latest version of Desktop Manager 4.2 from here.
2- Plug in the device and run Desktop Manager.
3- Click on “Switch Device Wizard.”
4- Click on “Switch Blackberry Devices.”
5- Click “Next.”
6- Select USB: Your Pin.
7- Click “Next”.
8- Uncheck “User Data and Settings” and “Include Messages” leaving “Third Party Applications checked.
9- Click “Next”.
10- When it’s finished backing up the apps, DO NOT click “Next” or “Cancel.” Leave that screen as it is and continue these instructions.
11- Search your computer files/folders for a folder labled with your pin number. Be sure and search in hidden and system files.
12- When you find it copy it to another location.
13- Now go back and “Cancel” the Switch Device Wizard. If you cancel the wizard before copying the folder to another location the folder is automatically emptied.
14- Now wipe your device as desired.
15- When the OS has been loaded back to the device run Application Loader again and click on “Add”
16- Browse to the folder you copied with your PIN. Double click on the file named yourpin.alx.
17- This should add all your 3rd party apps to the apploader.
18- Finish the installation to load them to your BB.
19- Restore your personal data using the restore feature in Desktop Manager Backup/Restore
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