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Subject: Streaming radio on your BB! (website) [Print This Page]

Author: gsusdavid    Time: 7-7-2009 01:59 PM     Subject: Streaming radio on your BB! (website)

(This may only work with a WiFi connection)

Web radio on your BB

Moodio allow you to listen any radio audiostream on your mobile device using the native media player

No apps!

1 go to:

2 Create an user account

3 search stations in the database of the website, add them to "My stations"

4 In your BB go to

5 sign in, sing and have some fun!

This website may consume MB of your data plan if a WiFi connection isnt available, so be careful!

P.S. Sorry for my poor english, i speak spanish!
Leave a comment (this is my first post)
Author: aburrobb    Time: 27-2-2010 04:20 AM

Nice, tried it and working fine.

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